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The Owl and the Pussy-cat

By Edward Lear I The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat, They took some honey, and plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five-pound… Read more

An eye for detail
and colour

The fish lying on ice at the market might shimmer silver or sport a dull red but a fish hauled from the cool ocean loses most of its colour –… Read more

Whale tails aid research

Lightly spotted or black splashed, deckle edged or bedecked with barnacles, the underside of a humpback whale tail fluke is the surest way to identify a particular animal. The East… Read more

Southern Cross Pearl
back from long exile

The story of the Southern Cross Pearl has been shaped by intrigue. Tales of superstition and awe attended its discovery and rumour and mystery dogged its long exile from Australia.… Read more

Light a light - a
constant labour

At work, Anthony MacFarlane is called “Pin”. It’s short for Split Pin (he’s stringbean thin) and it has become an extended joke to allocate to his family sobriquets that are… Read more

Families of missing men
call for investigation

Note: This is an ongoing report on the fate of three crew - Anthony Murray, Reg Robertson and Jaryd Payne - missing for more than a year following their disappearance… Read more

Salt sisters gather
to hone skills

The third Gathering on the Bay - the annual meeting of Women Who Sail Australia – kicks off on Friday, 5 April 2018, in Nelson Bay with workshops in navigation… Read more

Ten things to do
with an old sail

Make a sun shade for your land home or for a picnic. Use the sail whole or cut and hem to size. Add grommets in the corners. At home you… Read more
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… there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.

- Ratty to Mole in The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame